The People's Government of YunCheng City_bodog官网,bodog88官网


source:Bureau of Culture and Tourism of Ruicheng County Issue time:2019-11-06


The cultivating of asparagus in Yongji City has been 30 years since the 1980s. During the 4 years from 1996 to 2000, a planting base of more than 100,000 Mu has been built. In 2002, the export volume of Yongji asparagus reached a historical peak of 35000 tons, accounting for 75% of China's total export volume in that year. Yongji asparagus is highly praised by consumers and distributors at home and abroad for its excellent quality. In 2008, it was identified as a protected brand of geographical indication by the AQSIQ. In March 2014, it was recognized by the CIQ as a state-level asparagus export demonstration zone with guaranteed quality and safety.

The geographic conditions such as the soil, elevation and sunlight of Yellow River tidal-flat area in Hejin County is suitable for the cultivating of asparagus. Local farmers introduced excellent varieties and built the tidal-flat into an asparagus base for cultivation and export. At present, 1,800 tons of asparagus have been exported to France, Germany, Spain and other countries. Asparagus is one of the ten famous dishes in the world, and it is also an organic and healthy vegetable for both medicine and food with high content of sugar and vitamin, amino acid, calcium, potassium, iron and zinc. In addition, it can also inhibit cancer cells, expand blood vessels, promote diuresis, improve human immunity, resist fatigue and delay aging. Meanwhile, it has therapeutic effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.